
Luke 13:1-17

When we presume, that is, when we draw hasty and unbiblical conclusions about other people’s lives, we stand in danger of not seeing people as God sees them. When we presume then we are quick to judge others. And, as we read in Luke 13 or John 9 we often presume that someone’s suffering is because of their sin. We are certain that they must have done something wrong and, therefore, deserve to be punished. Although the Bible speaks of punishment for sin Jesus makes it clear that it was not because of their sin that Pilate had mixed the Galileans’ blood with their sacrifices. And, it wasn’t because of the blind man’s sins or his parents’ sins that he was born blind. Jesus instead warns us that rather than being someone else’s judge we need to repent and be reconciled to God ourselves. As we love God we will be able to love others without prejudice, bias or any presumptions.