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The first time I listened to this song, I immediately thought of the story of the lost son in Luke. What’s interesting is that in that story, the son returns from the far country, but it’s the father who runs to the son. Matt Maher, who co-wrote the song with Cody Carnes, says this about it: 

“Being a parent, God has spoken to me in two profound ways and that is through my kids and through being a parent. What I mean is this, when my kids get hurt, they just run to my wife and I. They don’t stop, they don’t hesitate, they just run. And that is a profound revelation of what it means to have a heart open to God and be able to run to Him when we’re hurting. 

The other thing is, I think in the ongoing revelation as a parent, that when I see my own child suffering, I run to them, I don’t wait for them to run to me. And I think in that way, God is speaking profoundly to parents, saying, ‘This is My heart for you as a child.’ 

So, even as I sing a song called Run To The Father, I’m really in some ways singing about the fact that God has already run to me, and He’ll never get tired of me needing Him.” 

Worship is about position, and proximity to the Father is worship. So… 

…when you are in pain, run to the Father. 

…when you are in sin, run to the Father. 

…when you are in darkness, run to the Father. 

…when you are in joy, run to the Father. 

In all things…run to the Father! 

Songs for this Sunday

Glorious Day 

Jesus Paid It All 

King of My Heart

A Come Alive 

Run to the Father