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We are excited to unite with more than 130 churches across the Greater Charlotte Area on Friday, September 20th, at Bojangles Coliseum to win souls and make disciples. This is not another Christian concert or conference. This is a mission to reach lost souls. We are calling on everyone to do three things leading up to the Charlotte Crusade: INTERCEDE, INVEST, and INVITE.

  1. INTERCEDE for your family members, co-workers, and friends who need Jesus! Pray for them daily to repent and turn to Christ.
  2. INVEST in them relationally. Invite them to coffee, dinner, or golfing. And you pay for them.

  3. INVITE them to come with you to the Charlotte Crusade. Pick them up if you have to. Bring them to Bojangles Coliseum on Friday, September 20th @ 7 PM.

Go to for more information.